Promotion New York


List richest man in the World 2015

Who is the richest ? How old he / she is ?

1 Bill Gates $79.2 B 59 y.o !   United States
2 Carlos Slim Helu $77.1 B 75 y.o  Mexico
3 Warren Buffett $72.7 B 84 y.o  United States
4 Amancio Ortega $64.5 B 79 y.o Spain
5 Larry Ellison $54.3 B 70 y.o United States
6-7 Charles Koch $42.9 B 79 y.o diversified United States
6-7 David Koch $42.9 B 74 y.o  United States
8 Christy Walton $41.7 B 60 y.o  United States
9 Jim Walton $40.6 B 67 y.o  United States
10 Liliane Bettencourt $40.1 B 92 y.o  France

Would you like to read Bill  Gates notes ?  Go to

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List richest man in the world 2015   Promotion New York