Нью-Йорк – адвокаты Russian Speaking Lawyers

Russian Speaking American Lawyers on Russian New York Promotion –  Manhattan  Brooklyn, Queens , Staten Island , Bronх


New -York Law

Манхэттен Нью-Йорк по русски
имя юриста
адрес офиса
Шварц Голдстон – Schwartz Goldstone & Campisi, LLP
90 Broad Street, Suite 403
212 962-2800
accidents, personal inury
22 Cortland Street, Suite 1625
212 960-3775
bankruptcy, immigration, family law, litigation
Алина Солодчикова ( Alina Solodchikova )
11 Penn Plaza, 5th Floor
646 330-4645
Stone & Belyayeva
115 Broadway 15th Floor
212 693-1490
child custody, business bankruptsy
Наталья Школьник (Natalie Shkolnik)
1515 Broadway, 43d floor
212 981-2294
commercial and securities litigation
Karasik Law Group, LLP , Ольга Карасик ( Olga Karasik, Esq. )
65 Broadway, Suite 733
212 430-6556
corporate, business, real estate, immigration, international transactions
Kogan & Rozenthal, LLP 350 Broadway, Suite 405
212 625-8300
corporate, intellectual property, litigation
Феликс Резник (Felix B. Reznick, PLLC)
535 Fifth Ave 23rd Floor.
212 490-5900
corporate, litigation, international
Йосиф Поташник (Joseph Potashnik)
111 Broadway, Suite 1305 
212 577-6677
criminal defence
Артур Гершфельд ( Arthur Gershfeld)
140 Broadway, suite 4642
212 509-3100
criminal defence
Роман Попик ( Roman V. Popik, PC) 1500 Broadway, Suite 2013
646 562-2207
criminal defence, business
Александра Цейтлин ( Alexandra V. Tseitlin, PC)
1372 Broadway Ste 1402
212 944-7434
criminal defence, immigration
Алла Ройтберг ( Alla Roytberg, PC)
405 Lexington Avenue, 26th floor
212 582-5757
family law, divorce, mediation, real estate
Соня Бромберг ( Sonia Bromberg Esq.)
299 Broadway Ste 1500
212 766-9177
general practice
Михаил Маркович ( Michael H. Markovitch) 250 West 57 Street, Suite 1619
212 947-7534
Владимир Голдстерн (Vladimir Goldstern)
277 Broadway Suite 100
212 587-7798
Борис Палант (Boris Palant P.C.)
225 Broadway, Suite 3104
212 349-9795
Сергей Байер (Serge Bauer, P.C.)
230 Park Avenue, Suite 1000
888 604-8221
Владимир Злобинский (Vladimir Zlobinsky ) 110 East 59th Street
212 909-9500
299 Broadway, Suite 1005
718 629 7747
immigration, family and divorce law
Шмидт Вольский (Schmidt Volsky ) LLP
5 Hanover Sq 2nd Floor
212 785-1020
intellectual property, business, real estate
Стефан Фельдман (Stephen Feldman E PC)
12 East 41 Str
212 532-8585
patent, trademark, copyright
Гольдин и Ривин (Goldin & Rivin PLLC) 225 Broadway, Rm 1015
212 571-7111
personal injury
Гарри Слобин ( Gary Slobin)
233 Broadway, Suite 707
212 349-2000
personal injury
Борис Коган ( Boris Kogan & Associates )
277 Broadway, Suite 701
212 625-8910
personal injury, divorce
Роберт Аронов ( Robert Aronov) 305 Madison Avenue
212 807-5525
real estate, landlord tenant litigation
Альберт Гуревич ( Albert Gurevich, Esq.) 111 Broadway, Suite 1305
212 233-1233
Натанел Пинхасов ( Natanel Pinhasov) 1633 Broadway
212 833-1198
corporate litigation
Яна Печерская ( Yana Pechersky, Esq. / The Pechersky Law Firm, PLLC ) 230 West 38th Street, 9th Floor
212 913-0803
wills, trusts & estates, elder law